i really enjoyed this class, it was one of my favorites. i think my favorite thing to do in this class was the final because i really liked it and it was so fun to do. i do not think anything needs to change i really liked it and it was super fun. i really liked everything she did during this semester, she explained everything really well and i had a lot of fun learning new things. we got enough time to do all of our assignments that she wanted us to do. emerging technology has taught me many things and i know so much more then i did before. there was so many fun assignments we did this semester i liked almost all of them. i had so much fun with everything and seeing everyone else presentations and seeing what types of things they like and what they know how to do on the computer.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
final blog post 5/16/17
i liked this assignment and i thought it was fun to and i liked how easy it was. i thought it was a little confusing at first but i got used to it. i think its a lot better then google drive. i would use it again because i really liked it and thought it was cool to learn new things.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
5/4/17 website reflection
i liked using weebly to make my website because i thought it was a better tool to use because you could actually add a lot of stuff in for free and i found it easier to use. i really enjoyed making a website i thought it was really fun to do.i thought it was easy to do. i would use a tool like this to create a website in the future. i loved creating the website it was so fun.
i really liked Lauren S because it was so cute and creative and it looks like she tried really hard to make this website. it was such a cool layout and i loved how she had so many pictures and the schedules and the rosters.
my second favorite was probably Alli c or Carlie s because i thought their topics were really creative and cute and it looks like they spent time on it and wanted it to look good.
i really liked Lauren S because it was so cute and creative and it looks like she tried really hard to make this website. it was such a cool layout and i loved how she had so many pictures and the schedules and the rosters.
my second favorite was probably Alli c or Carlie s because i thought their topics were really creative and cute and it looks like they spent time on it and wanted it to look good.
Friday, April 28, 2017
4/25/17 website selection
No i have never created a website before but i think that i like weebly because its very easy to use and it lets you add your own thing to your website. its a really good website to use. i am doing my website over softball.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
4/18/17 current #5
current event #5
i really liked learning about the hololenses and finding out what they do and i just thought it was neat to learn about something i have never even heard of before.
i really liked learning about the hololenses and finding out what they do and i just thought it was neat to learn about something i have never even heard of before.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Thursday, April 13, 2017
I've never used google docs to create a form, i don't know what a google form is. I've never done it before. I've never. i don't know a lot of survey generating. the only surveys i have used is ones for school when we had to take them. i don't take surveys cause i don't feel like i need to
Monday, April 10, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017
4/3/17 my weekend
This weekend i didn't really do a lot. i helped my sister get ready for prom. it was her senior prom. other then that u hung out with friends and went to the mall and had a fun time. i hung out with my friend will probably almost all weekend. we went to chipotle. we watched movies and ate a lot of food and just had a fun time. i also hung with my mom a lot and helped her around the house. i had pitching lessons and hitting practice on Saturday, because i havent pitched in that long, because practices have been inside lately due to the rain. My weekend was really fun and i also slept a lot.
Friday, March 31, 2017
3/31/17 bracket reflection
i had never filled out a bracket prior to this one, i never was interested in following the tournament i only watched the games ku played in. i didn't follow many of the games during this tournament because i didn't have time or i just didn't feel like it. i learned how easy it is to use google sheets because i never used it before and i really liked it. it was not confusing for me and it was easy to make it like your own and use your own colors.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
3/30/17 tv series
i don't really have a favorite movie, but i like a lot of TV shows. i watch grey's anatomy, vampire diaries and the fosters. a movie that i saw in the past year that i thought was good was you before. its like a love story and i thought it was really good and it was kinda touching and i think its a really good movie to watch. another good movie is safe haven its also a love story and its really good and not scary at all.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
3/21/17 spring break
This spring break all i did was hangout with my friends, i didn't go anywhere. my sister and mom went to mexico for my sisters senior spring break and left me at home with my dad and brother. i wasn't home with my dad at all this spring break besides two days. i hung out with friends almost all spring break and got together for my birthday and i also met a lot of new people. i made new friends and i hung with people i haven't seen in a while, i had so much fun just being with friends. i wish i did go some where to like a fun place but i also did have fun just staying home. i went to the mall almost everyday or stayed at a friends house, i never really did see my dad or brother. I got new clothes and new make up for my birthday, i just had a really fun time hanging out with people i have never really hung with before.

Thursday, March 9, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Thursday, March 2, 2017
i viewed Danielle B, Jordan F, Jackson H, Lauren S, and Emilio Y.
When i saw Danielle's infographic i was really impressed with the topic that she used. i thought she showed her topic off really good in her infographic, i liked the colors and how it brought everything together. Jordan's infographic was really cool and i learned a lot of stuff i didn't know. i thought his was creative and well thought out. i thought Jackson's was cool because he used a real life thing and how he used his own basketball team. i thought it was a good infographic. i thought Lauren's was really good and i liked how she used the differences between genders. i learned a lot and i thought it was really interesting to look at. i thought Emilio's infographic was interesting and fun to look at. i don't know a lot about the world cup or the super bowl and i learned a lot about them. i liked this project i thought it was fun to pick a topic and look at other peoples and see all the different things everyone picked.
When i saw Danielle's infographic i was really impressed with the topic that she used. i thought she showed her topic off really good in her infographic, i liked the colors and how it brought everything together. Jordan's infographic was really cool and i learned a lot of stuff i didn't know. i thought his was creative and well thought out. i thought Jackson's was cool because he used a real life thing and how he used his own basketball team. i thought it was a good infographic. i thought Lauren's was really good and i liked how she used the differences between genders. i learned a lot and i thought it was really interesting to look at. i thought Emilio's infographic was interesting and fun to look at. i don't know a lot about the world cup or the super bowl and i learned a lot about them. i liked this project i thought it was fun to pick a topic and look at other peoples and see all the different things everyone picked.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Thursday, February 23, 2017
2/23/17 infograph
An infographic is a visual image of information as a chart or diagram used to represent something. Such as statistics or what you find out. to give out information in a quick way with not a bunch of reading. they are giving people knowledge of things maybe they never even knew about. Honestly i think any information is good to use in an infographic. its best if its something people would like to know if they already didn't. You can use stuff about the world or mobile apps or popular sites people go to. by not using a lot of words but by using charts and pictures and really trying to show what you wanna give them. infographics help organize your topics and can make them look really cool too. By using in infographic you can make your school assignments look really cool. Some teachers give points for appearance, an infographic is a good way to show a wow factor and give your topic a good spice up. you can go in to detail about what your really trying to show.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
2/21 canva vs lucid press
i think lucid press is easier to use and join. two pros for lucid press is easy to use and has a lot of options. two cons to lucid press is it takes a lot more energy. two pros for canva there is many options to use on your post and you can add whatever you want to it. two cons to canva it has a lot of things that you have to pay money for and its a little confusing to use sometimes. i think lucid press made better documents that are more appealing. i think lucid press had more things that were free to use. i over all liked lucid press better but canva is a good thing to use too.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
2/16 my dream business
Monday, February 13, 2017
2/13/17 my weekend
i had my first sweetheart this weekend. it was so fun and i had fun with all my friends and my date who does to Olathe Northwest. it was so fun to get ready before the dance. i went to get my nails done, i took a shower and did my hair. i did my make up. my sister help straighten my hair while i did my make up because i was running short on time. we took pictures at my friends house and then ate at Yaya's it was really good and i also had half my dates dinner. we stayed at the dance the whole time but we showed up late. i had the best time of my life that night and got to be with Bobby (date). All my friends loved him and they were getting along so well.

Friday, February 10, 2017
2/10/17 et course reflection
i am only missing one assignment but i didn't put the right date in the title i accidentally put the 27th instead of the 24th. i am receiving 5 on most of them but one, i didn't have enough written there so i need to make them longer. i did get a 5/5 on my current event. i believe this class is easy but i am also learning a lot when i am in here. i did not know what social book marking was and i did not know how to book mark things on google chrome.
report card
report card
Thursday, February 9, 2017
2/2/17 pictures
2/9/17 kids these days
Kids these days will never know what its like actually to actually work for something they want. Whenever my grandchildren come to visit they never talk to me anymore they are always so busy on their phones and talking to people. it kinda seems like they judge older people who don't know all the new technology. They are so absorbed in the electronics they don't know how to take care of them selves. kids think they need their phones to survive, without it its as if they cant talk to anyone. i'm a so much older then them and i have lived my life without electronics i don't need these stuff to live. A quiet life is so much better then having to expect to have a phone or electronics to do everything for you.
Monday, February 6, 2017
2/6/17 collaborating remotely reflection
i honestly don't think it was that hard to work on this without talking to my partner, but i was scared to work on it since i couldn't talk to my partner. I don't think i could imagine doing this everyday as how i work, i like talking to people in person. I learned how to work with someone i don't really talk to and how to communicate without really talking to someone. i think it just took longer to finish and see if your partner is good with what you put down.
partner presentation
partner presentation
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
1/31/17 ted talk reflection
i like what she had to say in the ted talk. i believe technology is taking us over and we depend more on our phones or televisions more than each other. i don;t know if i will change a lot, because i am a person that depends on my phone to contact people. but i will try to change they way i use technology. i think the more technology changes, that kids who are young will start using technology and will depend on them for everything and will be a lot worse then this generation is.
ted talk connected but alone
ted talk connected but alone
1/31/17 words for teenagers
i agree with what this newspaper article is saying because i think that people should learn to do other things then trying to live in their ow world. i think we want to believe that we don't have responsibilities yet since we are only teenagers. but we should be learning how to live on our own and be responsible. it makes me feel that as a teenager i don't feel like i'm going to be ready to be on my own when we get to college and cook and clean for myself. i think the article said it very well but it was harsh. but it says everything we should be learning anyway.
Friday, January 27, 2017
1/24/17 social bookmarking current event
After reading this article i got a better understanding of what it is and how you use it.it help me understand how to use it and why people use it. not only does schools use it but everyone uses it all over. i didn't know anything about social bookmarking then when i read this article i learned so much about what it actually is. i think social bookmarking is very helpful for people who don't like to type in a website and hope to get it right. i think it is beneficial because it makes website an easy access to get to. evernote seems really interesting to use. delicious seemed to be a good one to use.
Current Event
Current Event
Thursday, January 26, 2017
1/23/17 Alphabetical advice
Appreciate what you have Be yourself
Care for everyone Don't give into pressure
Earn trust Forgive and move on
Give advice Help each other
In lighten one another Joke around soemtimes
Keep your head held high Laugh
Money isn't the key to happiness
Never give up Open your heart to people
Pursue your dreams Quality over quantity Respect others
Speak up To never give up Unite with each other
Value friendship Work together X out bad people in your life
Your own happiness or someone elses
Zone in on important things
Care for everyone Don't give into pressure
Earn trust Forgive and move on
Give advice Help each other
In lighten one another Joke around soemtimes
Keep your head held high Laugh
Money isn't the key to happiness
Never give up Open your heart to people
Pursue your dreams Quality over quantity Respect others
Speak up To never give up Unite with each other
Value friendship Work together X out bad people in your life
Your own happiness or someone elses
Zone in on important things
1/26/17 reflection
i like symbaloo because its an easy way to access a web page fast and you don't have to type in the web pages. On chrome you can bookmark web pages to the top of the screen for an easy access. i like both chrome and symbaloo, they are both good things to use. with symbaloo you can share your bookmarks to anyone. i think chrome is easier to use just because you can get onto to chrome and go right to the website you want.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
January 17th 2017/ Prezi Reflection
I think Prezi is more fun to use, PowerPoint is so plain. We can make Prezi whatever we want and have more options of what we want in the presentation.
I think Prezi is easier to use because you just pick a template and add the text and insert whatever you and Powerpoint you have to insert text boxes.
finished prezi
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