Thursday, February 23, 2017

2/23/17 infograph

An infographic is a visual image of information as a chart or diagram used to represent something. Such as statistics or what you find out. to give out information in a quick way with not a bunch of reading. they are giving people knowledge of things maybe they never even knew about. Honestly i think any information is good to use in an infographic. its best if its something people would like to know if they already didn't. You can use stuff about the world or mobile apps or popular sites people go to. by not using a lot of words but by using charts and pictures and really trying to show what you wanna give them. infographics help organize your topics and can make them look really cool too.  By using in infographic you can  make your school assignments look really cool. Some teachers give points for appearance, an infographic is a good way to show a wow factor and give your topic a good spice up. you can go in to detail about what your really trying to show. 


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