Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4/17 website reflection

i liked using weebly to make my website because i thought it was a better tool to use because you could actually add a lot of stuff in for free and i found it easier to use. i really enjoyed making a website i thought it was really fun to do.i thought it was easy to do. i would use a tool like this to create a website in the future. i loved creating the website it was so fun.

i really liked Lauren S because it was so cute and creative and it looks like she tried really hard to make this website. it was such a cool layout and i loved how she had so many pictures and the schedules and the rosters.
my second favorite was probably Alli c or Carlie s because i thought their topics were really creative and cute and it looks like they spent time on it and wanted it to look good.

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