Friday, March 31, 2017

3/31/17 Current Event #4

Current event 4

3/31/17 bracket reflection

i had never filled out a bracket prior to this one, i never was interested in following the tournament i only watched the games ku played in. i didn't follow many of the games during this tournament because i didn't have time or i just didn't feel like it. i learned how easy it is to  use google sheets because i never used it before and i really liked it. it was not confusing for me and it was easy to make it like your own and use your own colors.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

3/30/17 tv series

i don't really have a favorite movie, but i like a lot of TV shows. i watch grey's anatomy, vampire diaries and the fosters. a movie that i saw in the past year that i thought was good was you before. its like a love story and i thought it was really good and it was kinda touching and i think its a really good movie to watch. another good movie is safe haven its also a love story and its really good and not scary at all.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3/21/17 spring break

This spring break all i did was hangout with my friends, i didn't go anywhere. my sister and mom went to mexico for my sisters senior spring break and left me at home with my dad and brother. i wasn't home with my dad at all this spring break besides two days. i hung out with friends almost all spring break and got together for my birthday and i also met a lot of new people. i made new friends and i hung with people i haven't seen in a while, i had so much fun just being with friends. i wish i did go some where to like a fun place but i also did have fun just staying home. i went to the mall almost everyday or stayed at a friends house, i never really did see my dad or brother. I got new clothes and new make up for my birthday, i just had a really fun time hanging out with people i have never really hung with before. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/2/17 toolbox activity

toolbox activity


i viewed Danielle B, Jordan F, Jackson H, Lauren S, and Emilio Y.
When i saw Danielle's infographic i was really impressed with the topic that she used. i thought she showed her topic off really good in her infographic, i liked the colors and how it brought everything together. Jordan's infographic was really cool and i learned a lot of stuff i didn't know. i thought his was creative and well thought out. i thought Jackson's was cool because he used a real life thing and how he used his own basketball team. i thought it was a good infographic. i thought Lauren's was really good and i liked how she used the differences between genders. i learned a lot and i thought it was really interesting to look at. i thought Emilio's infographic was interesting and fun to look at. i don't know a lot about the world cup or the super bowl and i learned a lot about them. i liked this project i thought it was fun to pick a topic and look at other peoples and see all the different things everyone picked.