Tuesday, May 16, 2017

2nd final blog post 5/16/17

i really enjoyed this class, it was one of my favorites. i think my favorite thing to do in this class was the final because i really liked it and it was so fun to do. i do not think anything needs to change i really liked it and it was super fun. i really liked everything she did during this semester, she explained everything really well and i had a lot of fun learning new things. we got enough time to do all of our assignments that she wanted us to do. emerging technology has taught me many things and i know so much more then i did before. there was so many fun assignments we did this semester i liked almost all of them. i had so much fun with everything and seeing everyone else presentations and seeing what types of things they like and what they know how to do on the computer.

final blog post 5/16/17

i liked this assignment and i thought it was fun to and i liked how easy it was. i thought it was a little confusing at first but i got used to it. i think its a lot better then google drive. i would use it again because i really liked it and thought it was cool to learn new things.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4/17 website reflection

i liked using weebly to make my website because i thought it was a better tool to use because you could actually add a lot of stuff in for free and i found it easier to use. i really enjoyed making a website i thought it was really fun to do.i thought it was easy to do. i would use a tool like this to create a website in the future. i loved creating the website it was so fun.

i really liked Lauren S because it was so cute and creative and it looks like she tried really hard to make this website. it was such a cool layout and i loved how she had so many pictures and the schedules and the rosters.
my second favorite was probably Alli c or Carlie s because i thought their topics were really creative and cute and it looks like they spent time on it and wanted it to look good.

Friday, April 28, 2017

4/25/17 website selection

No i have never created a website before but i think that i like weebly because its very easy to use and it lets you add your own thing to your website. its a really good website to use. i am doing my website over softball.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/18/17 current #5

current event #5
i really liked learning about the hololenses and finding out what they do and i just thought it was neat to learn about something i have never even heard of before.

Monday, April 17, 2017


i enjoyed this project because i liked learning about new apps and seeing if i like them and i got a lot of new cool apps. i thought it was interesting about all the different apps everyone picked. it was fun to research about an app if you didn't really know it. i learned a lot about apps i have never used before.