Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1/31/17 ted talk reflection

i like what she had to say in the ted talk. i believe technology is taking us over and we depend more on our phones or televisions more than each other. i don;t know if i will change a lot, because i am a person that depends on my phone to contact people. but i will try to change they way i use technology. i think the more technology changes, that kids who are young will start using technology and will depend on them for everything and will be a lot worse then this generation is.

ted talk connected but alone 

1/31/17 words for teenagers

i agree with what this newspaper article is saying because i think that people should learn to do other things then trying to live in their ow world. i think we want to believe that we don't have responsibilities yet since we are only teenagers. but we should be learning how to live on our own and be responsible. it makes me feel that as a teenager i don't feel like i'm going to be ready to be on my own when we get to college and cook and clean for myself. i think the article said it very well but it was harsh. but it says everything we should be learning anyway.

Friday, January 27, 2017

1/24/17 social bookmarking current event

After reading this article i got a better understanding of what it is and how you use it.it help me understand how to use it and why people use it. not only does schools use it but everyone uses it all over. i didn't know anything about social bookmarking then when i read this article i learned so much about what it actually is. i think social bookmarking is very helpful for people who don't like to type in a website and hope to get it right. i think it is beneficial because it makes website an easy access to get to. evernote seems really interesting to use. delicious seemed to be a good one to use.

Current Event

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/23/17 Alphabetical advice

Appreciate what you have Be yourself
Care for everyone Don't give into pressure
Earn trust Forgive and move on
Give advice  Help each other
In lighten one another Joke around soemtimes
Keep your head held high Laugh
Money isn't the key to happiness
Never give up Open your heart to people
Pursue your dreams Quality over quantity  Respect others
Speak up To never give up Unite with each other
Value friendship Work together X out bad people in your life
Your own happiness or someone elses
Zone in on important things 

1/26/17 reflection

i like symbaloo because its an easy way to access a web page fast and you don't have to type in the web pages. On chrome you can bookmark web pages to the top of the screen for an easy access. i like both chrome and symbaloo, they are both good things to use. with symbaloo you can share your bookmarks to anyone. i think chrome is easier to use just because you can get onto to chrome and go right to the website you want.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 17th 2017/ Prezi Reflection

I think Prezi is more fun to use, PowerPoint is so plain. We can make Prezi whatever we want and have more options of what we want in the presentation.

I think Prezi is easier to use because you just pick a template and add the text and insert whatever you and Powerpoint you have to insert text boxes.

finished prezi